(por paises/by countries)

(por familias/by families)

sensu Bouchard et all., 2011

Juan Enrique Barriga - Tuñón
sitio inagurado 13 noviembre 2009
Larry Bezark LarryBezark@netscape.com www.A Photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World  

Lamiinae: Acanthocinini

especies presentes en El Salvador de la familia Cerambycidae: Lamiinae
(Cerambycidae: Lamiinae species from El Salvador)

según: Monné, Miguel A. and Larry G. Bezark 2012

Imágenes: Larry Bezark:
A Photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World


Lamiinae Latreille, 1825:401

Tribu Acanthocinini Blanchard, 1845:154
Lepturginus tigrellus

Acanthocinus obliquus (LeConte) 1862
Alcidion humeralis (Perty) 1832
Anisopodus hamaticollis Bates 1872
Anisopodus hiekei Martins 1974
Anisopodus mexicanus Bates 1881
Anisopodus scriptipennis Bates 1872
Antecrurisa apicalis (Bates) 1864
Atrypanius conspersus (Germar) 1824
Atrypanius cretiger (White) 1855
Atrypanius implexus (Erichson) 1847
Atrypanius irrorellus Bates 1885
Baryssinus chemsaki Monné 1985
Canidia cincticornis balteata (Lacordaire) 1872
Carpheolus sublineatus Bates 1885
Carphina arcifera Bates 1872
Carphontes posticalis Bates 1881
Eleothinus pygmaeus Bates 1885
Eutrichillus comus (Bates) 1881
Eutrypanus mucoreus (Bates) 1872
Granastyochus picticauda (Bates) 1881
Graphisurus eucharis (Bates) 1885
Graphisurus vexillaris (Bates) 1872
Hylettus coenobita (Erichson) 1847
Hyperplatys pusillus nigrisparsus (Bates) 1885
Lagocheirus araneiformis ypsilon (Voet) 1778
Lagocheirus binumeratus Thomson 1860
Lagocheirus cristulatus Bates 1872
Lagocheirus integer Bates 1885
Lagocheirus obsoletus obsoletus Thomson 1778
Lagocheirus rosaceus Bates 1869
Lagocheirus simplicicornis Bates 1872
Leptocometes barbiscapus (Bates) 1872
Leptocometes hispidus Bates 1881
Leptostylus angulicollis Bates 1885
Leptostylus cineraceus Bates 1874
Leptostylus cretatellus Bates 1863
Leptostylus gibbulosus Bates 1874
Leptostylus hilaris Bates 1872
Leptostylus hispidulus Bates 1874
Leptostylus notaticollis Bates 1880
Leptostylus obliquatus Bates 1880
Leptostylus orbiculus Bates 1880
Leptostylus palliatus Bates 1874
Leptostylus pulcherrimus Bates 1880
Leptostylus triangulifer Bates 1872
Leptostylus trigonus Bates 1880
Leptostylus viridescens Bates 1880
Leptrichillus minutus Gilmour 1960
Lepturgantes pacificus Gilmour 1960
Lepturges (Chaeturges) inscriptus (Bates) 1863
Lepturges (Lepturges) callinus Bates 1885
Lepturges (Lepturges) infilatus Bates 1872
Lepturges (Lepturges) limpidus Bates 1872
Lepturges (Lepturges) megalops Hamilton in Leng & Hamilton 1896
Lepturges (Lepturges) navicularis Bates 1872
Lepturges (Lepturges) sejunctimacula Bates 1881
Lepturginus tigrellus (Bates) 1874
Lepturgotrichona stigmatica (Bates) 1881
Lophopoeum centromaculatum Monné & Martins 1976
Lophopoeum scopiferum Bates 1872
Mecotetartus antennatus Bates 1872
Nealcidion brachiale (Bates) 1872
Nealcidion eulophum (Bates) 1881
Nealcidion privatum (Pascoe) 1866
Neoeutrypanus decorus (Bates) 1881
Nyssodectes roseicollis (Bates) 1872
Nyssodrysina haldemani (LeConte) 1852
Nyssodrysina leucopyga (Bates) 1872
Nyssodrysina polyspila (White) 1855
Nyssodrysternum poriferum (Bates) 1885
Nyssodrysternum serpentinum (Erichson) 1847
Oedopeza guttigera Bates 1864
Oedopeza ocellator (Fabricius) 1801
Olenosus serrimanus Bates 1872
Ozineus arietinus Bates 1872
Pentheochaetes turbidus Melzer 1934
Stenolis calligramma (Bates) 1872
Stenolis pulverea (Bates) 1881
Sympagus laetabilis (Bates) 1872
Trichotithonus curvatus (Bates) 1885
Trypanidius mexicanus Thomson 1860
Trypanidius notatus (Fabricius) 1787
Trypanidius rubripes Bates 1872
Urgleptes laticollis (Bates) 1881
Urgleptes mixtus (Bates) 1881
Urgleptes physoderus (Bates) 1885
Urgleptes tumidicollis (Bates) 1881

Página creada: mayo 2012
Página modificada: 30-08-2020 19:45


Bezark, Larry. A Photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World. http://plant.cdfa.ca.gov/byciddb/default_wImage.asp

Blackwelder, R.E., 1946; Checklist of the coleopterous insects of México, Central America, The West Indies, and South America. U.S. National Museum Bulletin, 185 (4):551-627

Bouchard, Patrice; Yves Bousquet; Anthony E. Davies; Miguel A. Alonso-Zarazaga; John F. Lawrence; Chris H. C. Lyal; Alfred F. Newton; Chris A. M. Reid; Michael Schmitt; S. Adam Ślipiński; Andrew B. T. Smith. 2011. Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta).ZooKeys 88: 1–972 (april, 2011)

Lawrence, J. F. and A. F. Newton, Jr. 1995. Families and subfamilies of Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, references and data on family-group names). pp. 779-1006 in: J. Pakaluk and S.A. Slipinski (eds.): Biology, Phylogeny, and Classification of Coleoptera: Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Roy A. Crowson. Museum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa.

Leschen, R. A. B.; Beutel, R. G. and Lawrence, J. F. (Editors); Slipinski, A. (Associate editor). 2009. Handbook of zoology. Coleoptera, Beetles, vol. 2: Morphology and Systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim).

Monné, Miguel A. and Larry G. Bezark, Compilers. 2013. Checklist of the Cerambycidae of the Western Hemisphere (updated through 31 December 2012)

Monné, Miguel A. and Larry G. Bezark, Compilers. 2012. Checklist of the Cerambycidae of the Western Hemisphere (updated through 31 December 2011) (2.0 MB pdf)

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